Saturday, May 16, 2020

Do You Remember - NSD 2020 - Nat's Kid's Mini Albums

Hi everyone, hope you are all crafting away, having some fun and enjoying the NSD projects the Aunty Vera team have been creating for the month! 

Now you all would have seen the album that I made for myself in honour of my little, furry friend.  Well I also have two adult children who grew up with Angel, and I wanted to make a memory album for each of them to remember their good, fun times together with her too.
These are in a similar vein to the one I made previously - with a few little adjustments, therefore I decided to share the method and items used to give you all ideas on different ways to put them together with what you have on hand.

For these two albums I used the Echo Park 'I Love My Dog' 6 x 6" paper pad.  I decided to make my son's album more red and brown tones and my daughter's blue (her favourite colour).  I chose ten papers for each album that I thought would fit best.

The papers from the pad have the hole punched at the top, so I cut this edge down to make the papers 6 x 6".

I ran a thin line of glue around the sides and bottom of one page and stuck another page on top leaving the top open as a pocket. I repeated this four times to make four pocket pages (for each album), leaving two papers for the album cover insides.

I had some large journal cards left from the 12x12" Echo Park 'I Love My Dog' paper pack and some paper scraps from the Echo Park Christmas Solids papers and 12x12" Echo Park 'I Love My Dog' papers which I cut a similar size as the journal cards, these were to be used to slip into the pockets.

I used a zigzag stitch on my sewing machine to stitch around the pocket pages for extra strength.  I also like the way it looks. I used blue cotton for my daughter's pages and brown for my son's.

I put dots at the three inch, one inch and five inch marks along the side of the pages to guide where to put my holes, I punched these and added eyelets - using silver for my daughter's and bronze for my son's books.

I recycled some cardboard from packaging for the front and back covers and cut this about 1/8" larger than the size of the pages.  The 6 x 6 papers I put aside for these were then adhered to the insides.

Some blue and craft cardstock was chosen from my stash to cover the cardboard outer front and back covers, and cut the the same size.

I used my Aunty Vera Washi tapes around the edges of the cover insides to mask the fact the paper didn't quite cover the board, and as a decorative extra.  I love the cute 'Puppy Dogs' washi!

I used a page as a guide to show where to punch the holes in the covers for eyelet insertion.

String was chosen and tied off with double knots to bind these two albums .........

........and a punch used to make tabs for each journal card - cut out of the cardstock used for the front and back covers.

Then I rounded the top corners of my journal cards and glued the tabs on.

These were then slipped into the pockets, and the album covers were embellished using big journalling cards that I cut down.  Gorgeous stickers from the 12 x 12 'I Love My Dog' sticker sheet added some cute finishing touches.

Now my albums are ready for photos and decorations to fill up the inside. I will be back to show you the pages when they are done.  These albums are great if you only have 6x6" paper pads and don't want to use solid colours behind the patterned papers - as I did with my first album.  There were so many great embellishments in this collection to be able to decorate all my albums and 'Oh what fun'!!!

Take care and have fun crafting,
Nat xxx

Products I am using for the month of May that will be discounted are listed here:

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